17/10/94 Morning MurliOm Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban Original: 02/08/73
Do you consider yourselves to have success through the right method? Whatever effort anyone makes, the aim of hiseffort is to attain success. People of the world today have a lot of occult power, and so, on that side, there are the occult powers, and here, it is attaining success through using the right method. The correct way to attain success is through using the right method. Because of taking this in another form, they have gone into using occult powers. So,do you consider yourselves to be the embodiment of success? Whatever thoughts you create, if they are accurateaccording to the right method, you definitely attain success. If you do not have the right method, then understand thatyou would not have success either. Therefore, on the path of bhakti also, whatever activity anyone carries out or hascarried out by others, its value is placed on it being carried out with the right method. It is because they do it usingthe right method that they experience success. Everything has begun from here, has it not? This is why Baba isasking you: Do you consider yourselves to be the embodiment of success or do you still have to become this?According to the time, the result in both areas should definitely be at least 65%.
You are seeing the speed of time and issuing a challenge, and so whatever challenge you have issued will only becompleted when you become complete in your stage. You have issued a challenge; on what basis will thattransformation take place? What is its foundation? You are its foundation, are you not? If the foundation is notstrong, then how would everything else progress further? When the foundation has become ready, the kingdom willbe ready numberwise after that. If those who want to claim a right to rule a kingdom do not claim their right, thenhow would the others claim their right, numberwise? Unless you attain success in your stage through using the rightmethod, how would you attain success in the task of world benefit? First of all, there has to be success for the self.You have to complete such a huge task in such a short time, and so your speed has to be that fast. Have you createdany plans for attaining this fast speed, that is, how you can become the embodiment of success through which youwould attain success as soon as you create a thought? This is the sign of being 100% the embodiment of success, thatis, as soon as you perform an action, you receive success in that.
Since they are able to attain success through occult power using ordinary knowledge, by using elevated knowledge,are you not able to attain success through using the right method? You need to check in which method you arelacking which is not allowing you to attain complete success. By checking the method, you will automatically attainsuccess. The main reason for not attaining success in this is that you are not doing all three forms of service at thesame time. You have to do all three forms of service in all three ways simultaneously. Knowledgefull, powerful andfull of love: love and law are both included together. You have to do service in these three forms, but you also haveto do it in three ways, that is, you have to do it in these three ways: through your thoughts, words and actionssimultaneously. When you do service through words, your thoughts should be powerful. With a powerful stage, youwill be able to change other people's mind, and through words, you will make them knowledgefull. And then,through your actions; that is, whomever comes into contact with you, that connection should be so full of love thatthey automatically experience themselves to have reached their Godly family. Your behaviour should be such thatthey automatically feel that this truly is their real family.
If you control the mind of others in these three ways, so that through giving them knowledge in words, you give themthe blessing of light and might, and through actions, that is, through your connection and your physical activity, yougive them the experience of the Godly family, then, by doing service with this accurate method, would you not beable to attain success? The reason for not attaining this is that you do not do three forms of service in all three ways.
When you use words, the mind that should be powerful is not; it is less powerful. And, when you bring someone intoyour connection through your entertaining activity, then also, the mind that should be powerful does not remain sopowerful. If all three forms of service took place simultaneously, you would definitely attain success. Now, you needto practise and pay attention to this, to doing service in this way. You do not come into connection with others verydeeply, but only superficially, and a superficial connection is only temporary. You give them love, but together withbeing full of love, you also have to be powerful so that you fill those souls with power through which they would beable to face the problems, the environment and the vibrations and thereby be able to maintain a relationship for alltime. However, this does not happen. They are either attracted by knowledge or by your love. Mostly, they areattracted by your love and then secondly, by your knowledge. But, you should have such a powerful stage that, nomatter what the situation is in front of them, they would not fluctuate. Just this is lacking now.
Those who are the serviceable instruments have more knowledge and love but not so much power. What would bethe sign of a powerful stage? In one second, to be able to finish any type of atmosphere or any problem of Maya; theywould never be defeated. All the souls who come as a problem will surrender themselves to you. In other words, youwould say that nature becomes your servant. Since the five elements are able to become your servants, would humansouls not surrender themselves to you? So this is the practical form of having a powerful stage. This is why you aretold that when service takes place in all three forms at the same time, then success will be visible in every action.And so, that is attaining success through the right method, is it not? When the right method is lacking, then you alsolack success. Now, in order to become the embodiment of success, first of all, put this method right.
On the path of bhakti, they make spiritual endeavours, whereas here, you have the facilities. What facilities do youhave? By imbibing within yourself all of BapDada's specialities, you will become a special soul. When the days ofexaminations are close, you revise and check yourselves in both the theory and the practice of whatever you havestudied, to see what you are missing in each subject. In the same way, now that the time is coming close, checkyourself in every subject and see what you are lacking and to what percentage. You have to check yourself in both;the theory as well as the practice. Whilst noting the weakness in each subject, make yourself complete. However,you can only make yourself complete when you first revise and note your weakness. You know the subjects. What isthe sign of knowing whether you have imbibed the subjects in your intellect or not? As the percentage of yoursuccess increases, your time will not be wasted. You will attain greater success in less time. This is known assuccess. If you take a long time and make a lot of effort and then attain success, this would be called a lowpercentage. You should use less in every aspect; you should not have to use your body so much or your thoughts somuch. Otherwise, how many thoughts do you have? It takes up to a month and a half just to create plans. So, youmust not use so much of your time, your thoughts or the treasure of any of your powers, that is, you should attaingreater glorification through less expenditure. Then, you will only have those thoughts through which you wouldattain success. The time fixed would be that in which success is already guaranteed. This is known as being theembodiment of success. So how would you recognise what percentage you have passed in each subject? To theextent that you pass in each subject, then accordingly, on the basis of that subject, you will attain your objective (aim)and respect. Together with this, you will experience attainment. For instance, in the subject of knowledge, there willbe the experience of the attainment of light and might. On the basis of the subject of knowledge, you will also receivejust as much respect, whether from the divine family or from other souls. Look at the great souls of today; why dothey receive so much respect?
Because, whatever spiritual endeavour they have made and whatever subjects they have studied, they achieve theobjective and respect of having done that, and nature becomes their servant. So, this was just the aspect of knowledgeyou were told. In the same way, there is also the subject of yoga; what should be the objective of that?
Through yoga, that is, through the power of remembrance, you should be able to attain your objective. Whateverthoughts you create, they would be powerful. And if any problem is about to come, then with the power of yoga, youwould have the experience that something is about to happen. So, because of knowing this in advance, you wouldnever be defeated. In the same way, through the power of yoga, you are able to finish the burden of your pastsanskars. Then no sanskar of yours will be an obstacle to you. Then, what you call nature will also not be an obstacleto your efforts. Whatever is the objective of each subject, that should be experienced. If you achieve your objective,then as a result, you would definitely receive respect. Whatever words you repeat through your lips or whatever plansyou create, because of your being powerful, everyone will give respect to them, that is, when you give advice to oneanother, they will give respect to that because you are powerful. In this way, examine every subject.
The attainment in the subjects of divine virtues and service is that you should come into close connection andrelationship. By coming into close connection and relationship, you will definitely receive respect automatically. Inthe same way, check the objective of each subject; and the instrument to check your objective is respect. If I amknowledgefull, then does whoever I give knowledge to give that much respect to the knowledge? To give respect to knowledge means to give respect to the One who is knowledgefull. If you have an objective in the subject of yoga,then you can make others powerful in transforming their thoughts. So they will definitely give respect. You have to check yourself in every subject in this way. Those who experience both the attainment of this objective and respectfor each subject and thought would be said to be perfect. To be perfect means to be beyond any type of effect; onlythen are you perfect. You will then be beyond being affected in any way by your body, your thoughts or by cominginto connection with anyone, and so you will understand that you have passed in your subject, that is, you would beperfect. So you are becoming like that, are you not? This is your aim, is it not?
Now, there should be a lot more checking of the self. Just as you tell others to bring about transformation within theself with the changing of the times, in the same way, you should always have the awareness that, together with thetime, you also have to transform yourself. Whilst transforming yourself, the world will be transformed, because onlyon the basis of the transformation of the self will you be able to carry out the task of world transformation. This hereis the greatness which others do not have. Those people only make effort to transform others, but here, you transformthe world on the basis of selftransformation. So, because you are the basis of transformation, you have to pay thatmuch attention to yourself. Now, constantly have the awareness that your every thought is connected to worldbenefit.
If those who are the image of support do not have power in their thoughts, then they create weakness in bringingabout transformation of the time. Because of this, the more powerful you become, the closer you will be able to bringthe time of transformation of the world. Even though the time is fixed according to the drama, on what basis is thedrama created? There must be something on which the drama is ultimately based. You are the basis (images ofsupport) for this, are you not? You are in everyone's vision. You have issued a challenge for two years, have younot? When you hear these things, you have a few thoughts of what would happen if it truly did not happen like that.You do not have the thought: what if it does not happen in two years time, do you? OK, you will face it when ithappens; that is a different matter.
This means that there is something in your thoughts and that is why these thoughts arise. Are you absolutely sure thatit will happen in two years? OK, what if someone asks you: What will happen if destruction does not take place?What would you say then? At the time you explain to them, you should explain it very clearly that destruction willnot be completed in two years' time. No, in two years' time, the scenes will be such through which people willunderstand that truly destruction has begun and is taking place. If they find the one thing easy, they will find theother thing easy too. Of course, destruction will take time, will it not?
What task is the advanceparty carrying out? They are preparing the entire field for all of you. Whether you go intotheir family or not, they will be instruments for the task of establishment that is to take place. Someone with apowerful stage would be instrumental. They will attain such powers that they will become the helpers in the task ofestablishment. Nowadays, you can see that people have a lot more regard for those whom they consider the newblood. The further you progress, the better the intellect of the young ones will work; the intellect of the older oneswill not work in the same way. In comparison to the elderly, the younger ones are said to be satopradhan. Because ofhaving a little power of purity, their intellect will be able to function in a way that the intellect of the older ones doesnot. There will be this change. Even the elderly will give regard to the advice of the younger ones. Even now, theelderly think that they belong to the old world, and that if they do not give regard to those of today's world, that ifthey do not give them that regard and consider them to be important, then nothing would work. Previously, they usedto be very bossy with the children; now, it is not like that. Now, they consider the children to be the masters. This isalso a part in the drama. The younger ones will perform wonders. The advance party is getting on with its own work,but they are also waiting for you to advance in your stage. Their work has to move along in connection with you.
The basis of the entire task is on you special souls. As you move along, you become slack. The fire is ignited andthen it becomes cool again. But it should not become so cool again, should it? People see the external form and thinkthat this has been continuing for a long time; so they ask what the big deal is about. The game has been continuingfrom the beginning of time. But why is there this coolness as you move along? What is the reason for this? Thepercentage is very small. You give many lectures, but together with the lectures, your features should also attract andthen there would be an effect of the lecture. So check yourself in every subject. Nowadays, when you compete ingiving lectures, many others also win, but when it comes to putting it into the practical form, they will all be defeatedby you.
The main speciality is of practical life. When you show any practical aspect, then they become completely quiet. Sowhen the effect of the practice is given through your lectures, then you will be seen to be totally unique in the lecturesyou give. The words you speak should be visible in your eyes, so that what you speak of is in a practical form. Onlywhen you are the embodiment of experience will you be able to create an impression on them. Everyone has becomevery tired of just listening; they have heard a great deal. Because of there being a lot of people who relate things,everyone has become tired. They say that they have heard a great deal, and that they now wish to experience or havesome attainment. So, there should be such power in your lectures that each word gives them an experience. Youexplain to people to consider themselves to be souls, and not bodies. So, there should be such power in your speakingthese words that the people listening to you experience power in your words. If they have this experience for evenone second, they would never let go of it. They would be attracted and come to you.
You try to take them into silence every now and again as you give a lecture, but you now have to increase thispractice. Continue to bring them into this experience.
If you wish to create unlimited disinterest in this old world for them, then as you give them points in your lectures,also create an experience of having an attitude of disinterest. They should feel that truly, this world is about to finish,and to attach their hearts to it would be wasteful. Then, they will definitely do it in a practical way. Those punditshave power in their speaking. In one second, they are able to give happiness, and in one second, they can makepeople cry. This is why it is said that someone's lecture is very effective. They are able to make the entire gatheringlaugh and are also able to make everyone have momentary distaste, are they not? Since there is so much power intheir lectures, can there not be that power in your lectures? Are you able to give them the experience of beingbodiless so that that wave spreads everywhere? So that the waves of love for the Father spread through the entiregathering? This is known as giving a practical experience.
Now, there should be such lectures that you could say that there will be some change. They should feel that yourlectures are totally unique compared to those given by other people in the world. Although those people are able tomake people within a gathering laugh or cry, they are not able to give the experience of being bodiless, nor are theyable to create love for the Father in those people. They are able to forge love for Krishna, but not for the Father.They are not even aware of this. And so, something unique should happen. Achcha, for instance, when you givepoints about the God of the Gita; until they know the Father, until they know the soul and the Supreme Soul, untilthey have this experience, how can you prove this aspect? There should be someone who can give such a lecture thathe would be able to give them the experience of the difference of day and night between the soul and the SupremeSoul. Only when those people realise the difference will you then be able to prove who the God of the Gita is. It willnot sit in their intellect with just the points; through the points, many more waves will be created. But continue togive them an experience, for nothing can compete in front of practical experience. Now bring about this change in your lectures. Achcha.
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